Zaphir Spring & Summer Chime Set - Crystalide & Sunray

Zaphir Spring & Summer Chime Set
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Zaphir Spring & Summer Chime Set - Crystalide & Sunray

If you are looking for chimes which represents the beginning of the year when nature is awakening we recommend the Crystalide and the Sunray.
The Shanti-Design looks simply stunning.

Both have a very dynamic melodie and play beautiful together.

The Crystalide is supporting the Sunray in the higher tunes.
The Sunray with a lot of semitones plays very harmonic with the overtunes of the Crystalide.

The Crystalide comes in a beautiful green which represents the blossoming of nature, the Sunray in a sunny yellow.

Crystalide: G A B D A G B D (Spring)

Sunray: G# B C# E G# E A C# (Summer)
Made in France

We have recorded a special sound sample for you, the Zaphir Crystalide and the Zaphir Sunray together:

If this combination has too much overtunes for you but you would like still a pretty dynamic melody, we recommend the Crystalide and the Twilight together.

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